1. Linux Kernel 'install_special_mapping()' Local Security Bypass Vulnerability

The Linux kernel is prone to a local security-bypass vulnerability because the 'install_special_mapping()' function fails to adequately perform certain security checks. Attackers can exploit this issue to bypass security restrictions and perform unauthorized actions.

2. Linux Kernel 'AF_ECONET' Protocol NULL Pointer Dereference Denial of Service Vulnerability

The Linux kernel is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability.Attackers can exploit this issue to cause the kernel to panic, denying service to legitimate users. Due to the nature of this issue, attackers may be able to execute arbitrary code; this has not been confirmed.

Desde Vulnerability Team exortamos a los usuarios y administradores revisar las notificaciones y aplicar las actualizaciones necesarias, para ayudar a mitigar los riesgos.

fuente: securityfocus.com

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